History of the Genbukan World Ninpo Bugei Federation

The Genbukan Honbu Dojo was founded in Japan on November 28, 1984 by Grandmaster Tanemura Tsunehisa Shoto .

Ninpo Sanjurokkei (the 36 Ninpo essentials) are made up of 2 categories : 18 basic martial arts (Bugei Juhappan) and 18 special Ninja categories (Ninja Juhakkei). Some of the Ninpo essentials are Tai-Jutsu (unarmed defense), Shuriken-Jutsu, Bo-Jutsu, Tanto-Jutsu, Hanbo-Jutsu, Biken-Jutsu, Yari-Jutsu, Naginata-Jutsu, and many others.

Genbukan literally means : "The place that nurtures the martial art professionals; the place radiating with an exquisite martial art. A place of practice for techniques which are mysterious, strange and marvellous. The one who masters Ninpo gives light to the (outer) world of darkness." The Buddhist indomitable sacred wheel, the eight-spoked Chakra, is the symbol of Genbukan. The Chakra (Horin) was originally an ancient weapon of India, later adopted for rituals in Tantric Buddhism. It symbolizes the destruction of evil and all that comes in the way of Dharma (the law and order of the Universe). In the center is a sacred mirror manifesting the oneness of the divine spirit and soul. With the character "Nin" (perseverance), we express our desire to attain this oneness.

Grandmaster Tanemura Tsunehisa Shoto has put together the techniques of those Ryu-Ha to form the Genbukan World Ninpo Bugei Federation syllabus.

The 3 main categories in Ninpo are : Tai-Jutsu, Bo-Jutsu and Biken-Jutsu. One must first master these techniques because they are the 3 main (fundamental) parts of Ninpo.

The Genbukan Ninpo ranking system is from 10th Kyu to 10th Dan.

The Genbukan World Ninpo Bugei Federation has branches all over the world.


Understanding Ninpo

The true martial artist will not be content with a way (Do) to learn. His/her goal is to understand eternal truth, to live within the natural laws and to fully develop martial techniques. By maintaining the spirit of enlightenment, a practitioner can help build a better society.

This martial art is not called "Nindo" or "Ninjutsu", but the term "Ninpo" should be used, because of its high spiritual level. Imagine a mountain that reaches up from the ocean to the sky. A person looking at this mountain might see a single path to the top of the mountain. Another might see many ways to try to climb the mountain. A practitioner of Ninpo sees not just the mountain but the cloud that circles it's peak. The rain from this cloud forms streams which turn into rivers. The rivers flow down into the ocean. From this ocean comes a new cloud which rises slowly to the peak of the mountain. It is the natural way of the water cycle, always renewing, always refreshing, always bringing life.

Genbukan Ninpo Bugei is taught for illumination, awareness and defense of the mind, body and spirit. It combines 3 parts : martial arts, religion and culture. The true mission of the Ninja is to deliver light to a dark world through perseverance (Nin), making life a sacrifice for the peace of humanity. A true Ninpo martial artist must have a compassionate heart and pursues peace and harmony. Ninpo martial artists must do a service for humanity and use Ninpo for maintaining justice in our society. A true martial artist must also continue the handed down traditions of the Ninpo martial art, developing it further and actively spread it, to keep it alive for next generations.

~Grandmaster Tanemura Tsunehisa Shoto


More info on The Genbukan Daigo Dojo

The Genbukan Daigo became officially licensed by the Genbukan World Ninpo Bugei Federation to instruct the Genbukan syllabus in 2001.

There are branches in Calgary, Victoria/Sooke/Saanich, and West Kootenays, with plans to add more locations in the future including Southern Alberta and Interior BC. Check in with us for more information.

Are YOU interested in joining the Genbukan World Ninpo Bugei Federation? If you are located in Saskatchewan, Alberta, or British Columbia, please contact us. We offer distance training and will help you train and grow a group in your local area. With time, skill, commitment you can become an official Group Leader under the Genbukan Daigo Dojo and continue to grow your school, offering this magnificent martial art to your community.

Come join us to learn true self defense for yourself, your loved ones, and your country.